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Forgotten Places


​In partnership with Hull City Council we have been lucky enough to secure funding through the Trees for Cities programme to plant over 30,000 trees in some of the most deprived urban wild spaces in Hull.


We employed a project manager, 2 full time project workers and 10 young people aged 16-24 through the DWP Kickstart programme and our partner project Probe Ltd to help us.


We will also worked with the Field Studies Council to support young people to learn about tree identification, planting and aftercare. 


Steppe Oven building in Spain


 We are really excited to announce that two of our staff members John and Colin were successfully accepted on the Erasmus+ funded European Earth Building and Assessment Programme 2022 run through the Earth Building UK and Ireland charity (EBUKI). 


They travelled to Estepa in Spain last summer to take part in a week-long training course in traditional earth building techniques and built a Steppe oven through using skills such as making and working with adobe mix and clay block making.


Colin and John then returned to the UK equipped with the skills and knowledge (and excellent sun tans!) to build a traditional cob pizza/bread oven in our own Rewilding Space in East Hull. They were supported by our amazing friends at EBUKI in training up a group of young people in the build in order to pass on the skills they have learnt.


We can't wait to taste the first meal that comes out of the oven - mmmm!



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The Ideas Fund


Rewilding Youth received an 18 month development grant to work with young people in Hull through providing them with inspirational outdoor experiences in some of the local wild spaces on their doorstep. We have been really lucky to be offered an extension to this project where we employ 2 x Youth Researchers to extend the research we have been doing with young people to identify the barriers they face in Hull to accessing green spaces.


We have been running lots of wild activities and experiences for young people including bushcrafting, storytelling, kayaking, den-building, tree planting, camp-fire cooking and lots more...


The project also involves an Participatory Action Research element which has been planned, designed and delivered by an amazing group of young researchers. They have been looking into how being outside and having 'wild' experiences can impact on the mental health and wellbeing of young people living in some of the city's most disadvantaged areas. 


We also explore with young people whether engaging and connecting with the natural world impacts on their environmental agency.






Wild West Hill


Earlier this year we secured a fantastic pot of funding from the Humberside Police Crime Commissioner to spend the summer working with communities of young people living on the West Hill housing estate in Bridlington. We let the young people living on West Hill lead us to the green spaces around them. There we worked to deepen their connection with these spaces through facilitating activities such as bushcraft, green woodwork, foraging and environmental education.


At the end of the 12 week programme we also offered the opportunity for the young people we had been working with to go away with us on a wild camping trip in which they got the chance to consolidate and use all of the skills they had learnt throughout the programme. 


We have been really lucky to secure funding for a further three projects like this in Hull so follow us on Instagram and Facebook to see what we get up to!

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Rewilding Space


We were recently successful in securing a grant through the Department for Media, Culture and Sport's Youth Investment Fund to create a fantastic Rewilding Space at the top of one of the fields at East Hull Community Farm.


We worked with young people to create a design for this space which will include an outdoor 'classroom'/learning space, compost toilets, fire pits and outdoor cooking area. 


The centre piece of our space is a traditional roundhouse constructed solely out of wood and earth. We are really lucky to be supported in this build by EBUKI - the centre for Earth Building in the UK and Ireland. 


This wonderful space is used for wild camps, workshops, nature therapy, community feasts, festivals and a whole lot more and provides an amazing resource for the local and wider community in which to spend time connecting with nature and their wild selves!






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National Citizenship Service



This exciting partnership with Child Dynamix is aimed at young people aged 16-17 who are not in education, employment or training and who are interested in a career in the green workforce.


This 12-week programme, provides a mixture of indoor and outdoor activities which take place on our beautiful Rewilding Space and at The Hut Youth Centre on Greatfield Estate in Hull.


The programme provides a combination of personal development opportunities and green skills to develop and promote physical and mental wellbeing. 


Work placements within our network of environmental organisations in Hull will provide a unique insight into a number of career types and allow young people to ‘test the water’ before making any big decisions. 


For those young people who may be interested in a career in the environmental sector or who just prefer to be outside, we will also be involved in lots of of tree planting schemes through our partnership with The Humber Forest connecting people and woodlands in creating healthier and happier communities. This project will explore ways in which we can approach tackling climate change and improving the environment for all who live in Hull and East Riding of Yorkshire.

Humber-side Workshops


We were so excited to receive funding that helped us run a project based on engaging young people with Hull's maritime heritage. 


This funding enabled us to run three sessions along the Humber, exploring Hull's heritage and exercising some lost skills that used to keep the city running.


To read in some more detail about this project, please refer to this wonderful blog written by Eden (our amazing Youth Researcher!) on the Hull Maritime blog page by clicking HERE.







© 2021 by  Rewilding Youth 

Rewilding Youth CIC  is a Not-for-Profit Community Interest Company.

Company Number:  13597708

C/O East Hull Community Farm, Barham Road, Hull, HU9 4EE

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